Indonesia is an archipelagic country with a vast land with soil types vary. Here is a variety / soil types that exist in the territory of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia.
1. Humus Soil
Humus soil is very fertile soil is formed from lapukan leaves and stems of trees in dense tropical rain forest.
2. Sand Land
Land sand is the soil that is not good for agriculture which is formed from igneous and sedimentary rocks that have coarse grains and gravel.
3. Alluvial Soil / Sediment Soil
Alluvial soil is soil that is formed from river mud that settles in the lowlands which have a fertile soil properties and land suitable for agriculture.

4. Land Podzolit
Podzolit soil is fertile soil that is generally located in the mountains with high rainfall and low temperature / cold.
5. Volcanic Soil / Land Volcano
Volcanic soil is soil that is formed from material lapukan fertile volcanic eruptions that contain high nutrients. Volcanic soil types can be found around the slopes of a volcano.
6. Laterite soil
Lateritic soil is not fertile soil that was fertile and rich in nutrients, but nutrients are lost due to late rains brought by high water. Example: West Kalimantan, and Lampung.
7. Mediterranean Land / Land of Lime
Mediterranean soil is not fertile soil are formed from the weathering of limestone rocks. Example: Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Central Java and East Java.
8. Peat Soil / Land Organosol
Organosol soil is less fertile soils to grow crops that are the result of weathering formed marsh plants. Example: swamps of Kalimantan, Papua and Sumatra.
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